A Servant’s Heart

Our Easter Musical,
“The Night Before Easter”
and a time to honor
Bro. Harold and Sis. Peggy Tipping
for their Servant’s Hearts

Please join us for our Good Friday Service on April 18 at 7:00 pm. The Choir will present “The Night Before Easter.” Following the musical, we will be honoring Bro. Harold and Sis. Peggy Tipping for their years of servanthood to the church. After the service, we will have a time of light refreshments. Don’t forget to RSVP, above, so we know how many will be coming.

Be sure to send us a card or letter, or just include your comments with your RSVP, so we may include them in a memory book that will be presented to them that night.

You may also send it via email to